Hot Ice Mesmerise

Show News

5 July/Posted by Admin

Opening night of
Hot Ice Mesmerise

This years’ new production ‘Mesmerise’ is a spectacular fast-moving live performance, which promises to keep you sitting on the edge of your seat. Hot Ice is a dream that is brought to life by the stunning lighting that reflects the mood and magnificence of each scene.

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The young and dynamic skaters gracefully slide and glide into a world of creative paradise with intricate choreography performed to beautifully written music, conceived and inspired by the greatest soundtracks to our lives.

Created by the talented Pleasure Beach Wardrobe Team, the show’s breath-taking costumes are undoubtedly the best you will see anywhere in the theatre world.

The show is choreographed by Oula Jaaskelainen a former Olympic athlete and Hot Ice cast member, who creates excitement by encouraging the performers to skate at high speeds with intricate footwork and spine-tingling jumps. Working together with former dancer and assistant choreographer Lynsey Brown they both inspire the skaters with their unique styles and ideas.

DVDs and Soundtracks of the show may be purchased onsite at The Pleasure Beach Arena or online via the Pleasure Beach website. Many previous Hot Ice soundtracks can also be found on iTunes.

Posted by Admin


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